
If your family said they were going to take you to a wonderful place, like the beach or the rainforest, would you be excited? What if you had to wait days or weeks before you got the special treat they promised? It’s so hard to wait!

Gods people had to learn to wait for Gods blessing. They knew He had promised them a wonderful land, but they didn’t know where it was. They had to follow God’s lead. God decided to take the shape of a cloud during the day and a fire at night. As long as he stayed over the Tent, the people stayed. When God moved, the people moved. They followed God wherever He went because they knew God would keep his promise.

What are some ways God might lead you?(You can answer all the questions in the comments) From the Bible, God gives us lots if help to know how to live. God also speaks through our Pastors. God loves to lead you!

————————————-PRAYER:———————————————————-Dear Jesus, help me to recognize all the ways that you want to lead me, and teach me to follow you.

Thanks for reading! See you next time on Eden’s Everything!


Have you ever seen a cow? What do they sound like? What do they provide for us that we use almost every day?

The Israelites thought a golden cow would make a really good idol to worship instead of the true and living God. Do you think that was a good idea? Just think how silly it would be to worship a dog or the neighbor’s cat!

God says that we should never worship anything or anyone except Him. When Moses returned from the mountain and saw what the people had made while he was gone, he got very angry. God was angry too. many people died because of their great sin.

We may think it is very silly that Israel made a golden calf and worshiped it. But whenever we make someone or something in our lives more important than God, we are making idols too. Ask God to help you keep your heart set only on him.


Father, help me to see if anything in my life is taking your place. I don’t want to love my toys, or my clothes, or my friends more than I love you!

Thanks for reading, see you next time on Eden’s Everything!


God wants you to be doers of his word, He does not want you to be lazy. Listening is one part, but then apply it to your life. For example, if God tells you to love one another than you go on fighting that is a sin. Instead you should go on loving one another.

Thanks for reading! See you next time on Eden’s Everything!

Just for the candy.

I used to come to sports events and want the candy more than anything, I wouldn’t even really care about the game. Now some of you have heard the story about Jesus feeding 5,000 people. The next day they came back for more free food, instead of him! Jesus wants us not to come for the candy( or bread) but for him!

Thanks for reading! See you next time on Eden’s Everything!

The LORD knows it all.

Today I was reading about how are life is like a jigsaw puzzle. He knows where every piece fits. When a door closes you might be so sad, or mad, or think he doesn’t care, and he just keeps on shutting doors. Soon he will open some doors to. But the Lord knows what was inside them. He wants to protect you! Just keep trusting in him.

Thanks for reading! See you next time on Eden’s Everything!

A New President

Not all but some of you are not happy with the new president but, the end is near so prepare your hearts! God will work it out how he likes. just keep trusting in Him. In these times more than ever, keep praying and reading the Bible. The Lord wants you to still be His little child. ______________________________________________________________________________

Redeem the time for the days are evil. l Ephesians 5:16 l

Baby Jesus

Have you ever heard the story of baby Jesus? If not I will give you a fast version of it. There was a girl named Mary, and she was about to marry a man named Joseph. She was on a trip without Joseph, and she got pregnant. A angel named Gabriel told her this baby was to be named Jesus. It was the Lords son. He gave Joseph a dream, and told him the baby was from the Lord. They were on a trip to Bethlehem on a donkey. She was about to have a baby right wen they entered Bethlehem. So they finally found a inn at a animal stable. That very night she had the baby, and they named him Jesus. There was the brightest biggest star over there inn. Later three wise men came with gifts for him. They knew some day He would become king.

When you have no place to go to.

When you feel alone, just know you always are loved. No person can make you unloved. God will never stop loving you. His love never runs out. So when you have no place to go or hide, just run to God. God is your hiding place. He will always love you. He will carry your burden. Just keep on running. And let everything fall into His hands. He is in control of it all.


Has your week worked out okay? I Hope it has. I know it is hard with every thing going on. I know you can make it through. Just keep on persevering, and stop doubting the Creator of the universe. Do not be afraid. What time I am afraid I will trust in you.- Psalm 56:3


This year it is probably way different for you. You may not be able to go trick or treating. I hope it is still fun. Don’t forget about Pumpkins! This year I carved a pretty cross. What are some other fun things you do for Halloween(put in the comments)? Another thing you can still do is wear your costume and play games. Oh and you can put a flashlight up to your face like a ghost and tell a scary story. Thanks for reading my post. Don’t forget scriptures. Todays is, Fear not for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. That’s in Isaiah.

Thanks again ,Eden .

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